November Photo Challenge: City Scape

The November photo challenge was to take photos of city scapes.  Ottawa has some very iconic and famous city scape views.  Alas I did not take any photos of these this month.  It was not a big camera month for me, but I did manage to get out a couple times in a couple different cities.

City scape of Blah.

City scape of Blah.

Here is the city at it’s worst. A beautiful castle-like museum which is completely blocked from view by a highway. Granted on the other side of the road you can see it much better. But it’s a bit sad to see just the top of it peaking over the highway.

Nature Museum with Bus

Nature Museum with Bus

The reality of the mordern city.

Along the Canal

Along the Canal

Ottawa has a more interesting city scape when you take a walk or ride along the canal. These houses have a beautiful view and look nice as well.

Aberdeen Pavillion

Aberdeen Pavilion

This building is part of a newly re-developed part of the city and has been beautifully restored. I’m so glad that the city was able to save it, since no one builds beautiful buildings like this these days.

Old and New

Old and New

We spent a weekend in Toronto, but with kids in tow etc. I wasn’t able to concentrate on the photos that much. I did manage to snap a couple though.

Big City

Big City Skyline


Iconic Toronto!

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